Attraction Marketing:
The New Way to Grow Your Business

We are Arnold and Jing Banayad.

Arnold is a former Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) professional, and Jing is a former Registered Nurse. We are both network marketers, parents, and grandparents.

We work with motivated entrepreneurs, from realtors to event planners to network marketers to direct selling reps and everyone in between, who are motivated and serious about leveraging the full power of social media and digital marketing to attract prospects, build influence, and enroll new customers and team members fast with the Attraction Marketing!

In fact, this is the exact strategy our mentors, Ferny Ceballos and Tim Erway, personally taught us. They helped us go from struggling network marketers using the old-school method of network marketing on social media for over three years to thriving network marketers today since we started incorporating what we learned from Ferny and Tim.

Ferny and Tim are literally the godfathers of attraction marketing and are amazing mentors in our industry. Over the past decade, they've mastered the skills of "digital network marketing" and have helped literally thousands of underground network marketers transition to using high-leverage strategies to build their brands and teams online and with social media.

We're excited to share what we've learned with you and help you achieve your business goals.

Feel free to explore our website to learn more, and don’t miss out on our FREE Attraction Marketing Boot Camp!

An Easy Way To Recruit
--Rejection Free-- Without Wasting Your Time & Money Chasing Dead Beat Prospects & Leads...


Arnold & Jing Banayad

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